As demonstrators oppose school budget cuts, Norwich City Council ask residents to speak up

As the budget season nears the end, there's still one big discrepancy; a close to $4 million difference between what Norwich Public Schools wants, ...

June 13, 2023
5:36 AM

As the budget season nears the end, there's still one big discrepancy; a close to $4 million difference between what Norwich Public Schools wants, and what the city is willing to give. Since the state hadn't finished its budget process yet, the Norwich City Council voted to wait one more week, per the city charter, before approving a budget. There will be a special meeting on Monday at 7:30 p.m. for the budget. Outside of City Hall, members of the Connecticut Education Association (CEA) wore #RedforED shirts, and held signs saying 'Budget cuts hurt kids.

Matt Grahn